Legal Aid Clinic

RAGJ recognises that vulnerable, marginalised and displaced persons often lack the knowledge and the means to access and use their legal rights to protect their interests. In 2022, RAGJ’s Justice and Rule of Law (JRoL) policy established RAGJ’s Legal Aid Clinic with clear procedures and plans that promote human rights, develop legal capacity, and advance public servicing. JRol policy guides Stakeholders on the conducting of the affairs of the Legal Aid Clinic, with respect of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Child Protection, National Identification Documents (NIDs), Displaced Persons/Refugees/Returnees rights, Whistle-blowing (WhB), & other Human Rights Issues (HRI). This, of course, includes issues on Civil and Political Rights (CPR) and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR). JRoL policy, therefore, strives to ensure the availability of accessible professional legal services towards redressing injustice in Cameroon. RAGJ’s Legal Aid Clinic facilitates Legal Empowerment with a focus on access to justice and the rule of law. However, property rights, labour rights and business rights are not overlooked. Hence, a holistic package of services ranging from attorney-client advisory, electronic advisory, information dissemination, legal reforms and moot courts are tailored to meet the needs of various stakeholders using Assets-Based Citizen-led Development (ABCD) approaches. Pro bono clinical consultation is available online and on-site in the Buea and Bamenda offices. Also, mobile clinical consultation is available for communities and specific groups in need of confidential legal counselling, legal servicing and legal representation during community negotiations, out-of-court settlements, and litigation.